A casino is a public place where games of chance are played. It usually offers free food and drinks, stage shows and dramatic scenery to attract players. While the word casino is often associated with Las Vegas, there are less luxurious places that house gambling activities that can be called casinos.
The advantage that casinos gain on each bet is small (usually less than two percent), but it adds up over millions of wagers, allowing them to build lavish hotels, fountains and towers. In addition to this vig, casinos earn income from the use of their slot machines and video poker games. Some casinos also charge a fee for using their ATMs.
Casinos make money because each game has a built in statistical advantage for the casino, which is known as the house edge. This advantage can be lower for some games, and higher for others. Some games require a large amount of capital to play, so the house edge can be even larger for these bettors.
To maximize profits, the casino offers its patrons a variety of games and inducements to encourage them to spend more time on the premises. Some of these inducements include free spectacular entertainment, reduced-fare transportation and elegant living quarters. It is also common for casinos to offer big bettors elaborate inducements such as free rooms, dinners and luxury tours. Casinos also promote their games by using a wide array of marketing tactics, including flashy advertising and celebrity endorsements.